Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Beauty "a descriptive fallacy "

The erroneous concept of “beauty” has been an antithetical contrarian derivative devised to counter and alleviate the unfortunate “natural” human superficial instincts and gross satisfaction with the ordinary and the ugly thus the “beauty paradox” becomes a forced artificial design process, one of depthless intentional “facading” producing pervasive buildings of emotionally fashionable “cosmetological” show-face designs completely absent of creative substance as is “beautifully” evident universally by the many made-up “faces-of-architecture” currently “beautified” fashionably in the “individualized-stark-faced-architecture” mode of stylish fad-facade make-ups incapable of producing profound building design entities embodying total intrinsic creative content specifically unique to the ideal purpose of nothing but the practice of great building everywhere as is viable by those of raised higher design consciousness capable of recognizing and responsibly affirming the advent of an advanced building design discipline generating “truform-structuring” expressing the essence of absolute integrity throughout every internal-external building element preconceived and delivered experientially via the knowledge of ultra-spacial, time-less higher-dimensional creativity uniquely obligated to produce total building entities of rare inspirational content.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Adherents of Change

The unintentional significance of certain meaningful architects attempting to periodically throughout history, fantasize about the future of architecture are to be commended for their “futile by association” attempts to influence a stoic profession and its followers toward higher, innovative “future-idyllic” building manifestations ostensibly for the benefit of a falsely expected new enlightened building society.

Followers of conventional archaic architectural design doctrines cannot have the immensely creative free-thinking pragmatism required to envision and produce great building constructions of rare, higher dimensional spacial forms with every element of design intrinsically of total “depth-relational-content.

All such individual building configurations are only possible though rare, new creative design principles based on “hyperdimensional- consciousness” therein universally demonstrating that mankind has finally bridged the primitive regressive gap of his uncivilized 5000 year ancestry and now capable of advancing into the extraterrestrial magnificence of inner-outer “astratectural” infinite space compositions, on “an-bian” this planet.
Creative configurations of such profound realms of incredible visual impact as to successfully counter the regressive vision-less conformist nature of humanoids who here in this critical severely problematic age must be awakened to the realization that great ultra-creative building is the only pathway and solution to problem-less superior present and future planetary societies which must be built “now” to finally alter, permanently, 5000 years of so-called positive “civilizations”.

Civilizations that have factually proven to always deteriorate into disastrous failures, both historically and presently more-so, never to achieve and sustain peace, harmony and universal justice for all living things everywhere on this obviously decaying planet. What an unnecessary “human” tragedy for a regressing specie not capable of realizing or understanding the enormous significance that true-creative individual and collective ultimate living achieved through total true-creativity in all things man-made, foremost in the sensational living experience of experiencing the supreme benefits of great flowing edifices rising everyplace and everywhere intrinsically of immense social significance continually and greatly imbuing every member of society with mind-expanding creative consciousness.....the only certainty to human survival.

Architecture by its very stifling institutionally controlled regressive elitist regulatory nature is inherently incapable of producing what is now more than ever needed, original great building “thinkers and doers” intrinsically capable of formulating and applying the new absolute tenets of ultra-spacial hyperdimensional fluid integrated ultra-forms of intense “astraldepth” beyond the realms of the universe itself.