Sunday, December 23, 2012

Part 3 The Aspect "ultimate-realm"

The exquisite boundless free-form aspect intrinsically derived out of a true creative "spacialized" dimensional force is the very "ultimate-realm" of physical and spiritual existence..."the spacial relationships of manufactured elemental materials of construction in absolute harmonious integration with higher humanized scale integrity" is the ultimate reality of human existence in the forever presence of a timeless zone solely and purely realized by the expanded consciousness of self with matter in phase with a greater dimensional encounter beyond the mere primitive states of the obvious 1st-2nd-3rd basic orders of primal dimensional limitation.....The exalted living state lies beyond the solid shield of the 3rd dimension which can be elevated exponentially through the conscious ascension into the "space-time-specie-interactive continuum".....The ascendant of the individual to a higher place of spacial consciousness is the only pathway to counter the certain obsolescence of present existence toward the ultimate supra-dimensional living status of pure space-form freedom.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Part 1 Awake "superior world coming"

Awake to the realization that an exceptional superior world is about to soon exist infinitely beyond the incongruous severely contrived mundane enlightened grand world which before now could never be obtainable from a specie steadfastly trapped in self-inflicted dimensionally restricted boundaries ever fettered to prosaic solid states of static primitive constructions bound to the parading constant darkness of spiritless forms pervading perversely throughout this humanoid visionless planetary world endlessly "stuffed" with depthless voids of excessive material manifestations devised from a "wealth" of self-aggrandized design limitations prejudicially ill-conceived, conversely aggregating sacrificially this planet originally pure of such "boxed" and badly "dressed" man-made physical distortions invading and scarring everything everywhere, and ill-formed conglomerate of dissonant, disintegrated states of day-long nightmare intrusions... Awake!!! from this somnambulant decay in self-rising rejection of such pervasive, stagnating machinations to the realization that an exceptional superior world is about to exist infinitely beyond the incongruous severely contrived mundane welcome the advent of a new higher dimensional age open to all of deserving allied consciousness.....

Awake...."superior world coming"
Advent..."ultra-creative force"
Ascend..."building transformation"

Part 2 The Advent "ultra-creative force"
* Witness the advent of an ultra-creative force of such rare dimensional magnitude as to shake...shatter and shape the very foundations of the staid static physical arrangement of matter itself...therein capturing the heretofore elusive and mysterious Fourth and Fifth Dimensions of inner-outer extraordinary existence.....This unknown, misunderstood and undeniable realm of spacial magnificence is accessed and brought forth through shape and form factors cognizant of the absolute integration of all elemental relationships one with each and every other totally embodying the creative elusive form-factor greater consequence of a complete spacial consciousness...Venture into this exquisite future to now experience for the first time the ultimate vision and practice of profound spacial constructions...expressions of free-form unknown or ever sensed by a planetary specie here or anywhere in the universe.....Journey into this new dimensional world of an extraordinary ultra-spacial adventure where access to the ultimate reality awaits the explorer...advocate and aspirant of this new boundless physical spirit-force in all its glorious aspects...a "true reality world" open to all who merit this gratification through their conscious avoidance of the present voids in building in favor of the aspiring ultimate aspect of the highest grandest specie existence...the "aspectral-plane"

All these original writings are by antobian-ASTRATECTsm